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DNA/RNA Synthesis(DNA/RNA合成)

RNA synthesis, which is also called DNA transcription, is a highly selective process. Transcription by RNA polymerase II extends beyond RNA synthesis, towards a more active role in mRNA maturation, surveillance and export to the cytoplasm.

Single-strand breaks are repaired by DNA ligase using the complementary strand of the double helix as a template, with DNA ligase creating the final phosphodiester bond to fully repair the DNA.DNA ligases discriminate against substrates containing RNA strands or mismatched base pairs at positions near the ends of the nickedDNA. Bleomycin (BLM) exerts its genotoxicity by generating free radicals, whichattack C-4′ in the deoxyribose backbone of DNA, leading to opening of the ribose ring and strand breakage; it is an S-independentradiomimetic agent that causes double-strand breaks in DNA.

First strand cDNA is synthesized using random hexamer primers and M-MuLV Reverse Transcriptase (RNase H). Second strand cDNA synthesis is subsequently performed using DNA Polymerase I and RNase H. The remaining overhangs are converted into blunt ends using exonuclease/polymerase activity. After adenylation of the 3′ ends of DNA fragments, NEBNext Adaptor with hairpin loop structure is ligated to prepare the samples for hybridization. Cell cycle and DNA replication are the top two pathways regulated by BET bromodomain inhibition. Cycloheximide blocks the translation of mRNA to protein.

Products for  DNA/RNA Synthesis

  1. Cat.No. 产品名称 Information
  2. GC61763 Ac-rC Phosphoramidite Ac-rCPhosphoramidite可用于磷酸二硫代寡核苷酸(PS2-RNA)修饰。
  3. GC61735 Bz-rA Phosphoramidite Bz-rAPhosphoramidite可用于核苷酸的修饰。
  4. GC61726 5'-O-DMT-N4-Ac-dC 5'-O-DMT-N4-Ac-dC(N4-Acetyl-2'-deoxy-5'-O-DMT-cytidine,compound7),一种脱氧核苷,可用于合成十二烷基亚磷酰胺(一种合成两亲DNA的原料)。
  5. GC61708 Dmt-2'fluoro-da(bz) amidite Dmt-2'fluoro-da(bz)amidite,一种均一修饰的2'-脱氧-2'-氟代硫代磷酸酯寡核苷酸,是抗核酸酶的反义化合物,对RNA靶标具有很高的亲和力和特异性。Dmt-2'fluoro-da(bz)amidite也是5'-DMT-3'-亚磷酰胺合成的中间体。
  6. GC61683 4-Methoxyphenethyl alcohol 4-Methoxyphenethylalcohol,一种芳香族醇,是由A.albispathusHett.产生的茴香样气味中的主要成分。4-Methoxyphenethylalcohol可以抑制大肠杆菌中的蛋白质,RNA和DNA合成。
  7. GC61666 Quinizarin


  8. GC61500 T-705RTP sodium


  9. GC48909 1-Hydroxyanthraquinone An anthraquinone with genotoxic and carcinogenic activities
  10. GC48662 5'-Thymidylic Acid (sodium salt) A deoxyribonucleotide
  11. GC48635 (-)-Cryptopleurine An alkaloid with diverse biological activities
  12. GC48533 Vanoxonin A bacterial metabolite
  13. GC48457 3-keto Fusidic Acid An active metabolite of fusidic acid
  14. GC48445 Hygromycin B (hydrate) An aminoglycoside antibiotic
  15. GC48440 2'-Deoxycytidine-5'-triphosphate (sodium salt) A nucleoside triphosphate
  16. GC48388 Heliquinomycin A bacterial metabolite with diverse biological activities
  17. GC48372 Erythromycin 2'-Propionate An antibiotic
  18. GC48365 Bottromycin A2 An antibiotic
  19. GC50656 BAY 707 BAY 707 是一种底物竞争性、高效和选择性的 MTH1(NUDT1) 抑制剂,IC50 为 2.3 nM。 BAY 707 与其他 MTH1 化合物相比具有良好的药代动力学 (PK) 特征,并且在小鼠中具有良好的耐受性,但明显缺乏体外或体内抗癌功效。
  20. GC19566 N-Nitrosodiethylamine (950mg/mL)

    N-Nitrosodiethylamine (Diethylnitrosamine) 是一种有效的肝癌致癌二烷基亚硝胺。 N-亚硝基二乙胺主要存在于烟草烟雾、水、切达奶酪、腌制食品、油炸食品和许多酒精饮料中。 N-亚硝基二乙胺负责与 DNA 修复/复制相关的核酶的变化。 N-亚硝基二乙胺在所有动物物种中导致各种肿瘤。主要靶器官为鼻腔、气管、肺、食道和肝脏。

  21. GC48190 TP-4748 A heterocyclic building block
  22. GC48165 Thiocoraline A depsipeptide and DNA bis-intercalator with antibacterial and anticancer activities
  23. GC47552 Leflunomide-d4 An internal standard for the quantification of leflunomide
  24. GC47521 K22 An antiviral agent
  25. GC47276 D-threo-PPMP (hydrochloride) A GlyCer synthetase inhibitor
  26. GC47162 Cytidine 5'-triphosphate (sodium salt hydrate) A pyrimidine nucleoside triphosphate
  27. GC46895 Aurintricarboxylic Acid (ammonium salt) A protein synthesis inhibitor with diverse biological activities
  28. GC46713 5-Phospho-D-ribose 1-diphosphate (sodium salt hydrate) An intermediate in several biochemical pathways
  29. GC46681 5-Bromouridine A brominated uridine analog
  30. GC46540 2'-Deoxyadenosine-5'-triphosphate (sodium salt hydrate) A purine nucleotide
  31. GC46524 2,6-Dichloropurine-9-β-D-riboside A building block
  32. GC46519 2',3'-O-Isopropylideneguanosine A building block
  33. GC46474 18-Deoxyherboxidiene A bacterial metabolite with antiangiogenic activity
  34. GC61359 TTP-8307 TTP-8307是几种鼻和肠道病毒(rhino-/enteroviruses)复制的有效抑制剂。TTP-8307通过干扰病毒RNA的合成抑制coxsackievirusB3病毒(CVB3;EC50=1.2μM)和poliovirus病毒。TTP-8307通过氧化甾醇结合蛋白(OSBP)发挥抗病毒活性。
  35. GC61348 Triazavirin An antiviral agent
  36. GC61276 Silver sulfadiazine Silver sulfadiazine is a bactericidal for many gram- negative and gram-positive bacteria as well as being effective against yeast.
  37. GC61246 Rifalazil Rifalazil(ABI-1648;KRM-1648)是利福霉素衍生物,可抑制细菌依赖DNA的RNA聚合酶(RNApolymerase)并阻断RNA聚合酶中的β亚基从而杀死细菌感染的细胞。Rifalazil(ABI-1648;KRM-1648)是一种抗生素(antibiotic),对分枝杆菌,革兰氏阳性细菌,幽门螺杆菌,肺炎衣原体和沙眼衣原体有抑制作用,其MIC值在0.00025至0.0025μg/ml之间。Rifalazil(ABI-1648;KRM-1648)有潜力用于衣原体感染,梭菌相关性腹泻菌感染 (CDAD)和结核病(TB)研究的相关研究。
  38. GC61047 Methotrexate disodium Methotrexate sodium, an inhibitor of tetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase, is an antineoplastic antimetabolite with immunosuppressant properties.
  39. GC60763 DHODH-IN-11 A derivative of leflunomide
  40. GC60617 AZT triphosphate TEA AZTtriphosphateTFA(3'-Azido-3'-deoxythymidine-5'-triphosphateTFA)是一种Zidovudine(AZT)的活性三磷酸酯代谢产物。AZTtriphosphateTFA具有抗逆转录病毒的活性,并抑制HIV复制。AZTtriphosphateTFA还可抑制HBV的DNA聚合酶。AZTtriphosphateTFA可激活线粒体介导的凋亡(apoptosis)途径。
  41. GC60616 AZT triphosphate


  42. GC60459 2,4-D (2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) A plant growth regulator
  43. GC60310 Psammaplin A PsammaplinA是一种海洋代谢产物,是HDAC和DNA甲基转移酶(DNAmethyltransferases)的有效抑制剂。PsammaplinA是一种高效的选择性HDAC1抑制剂,IC50为0.9nM,对HDAC1的选择性是DAC6的360倍,对HDAC7和HDAC8的效力低1000倍以上。PsammaplinA对革兰氏阳性细菌(Gram-positivebacteria)具有抗菌作用,并抑制DNA合成和DNA促旋酶(DNAgyrase)活性。抗肿瘤活性。
  44. GC60268 Neoxanthin


  45. GC60234 Maleic hydrazide Maleichydrazide广泛用作植物生长调节剂和除草剂。Maleichydrazide是核酸和蛋白质合成的抑制剂。
  46. GC60089 Bleomycin hydrochloride


  47. GC60062 AV-153 free base AV-153 free base 是一种 1,4-dihydropyridine (1,4-DHP) 衍生物,具有抗突变作用。在体外人细胞内,AV-153 free base 可以插入到 DNA 的单链断裂处,减少 DNA 损伤并刺激 DNA 修复。AV-153 free base 可以与胸腺嘧啶和胞嘧啶相互作用,对聚 (ADP) 核糖基化有影响。AV-153 free base 具有抗癌活性。
  48. GC60031 6-Azathymine 6-Azathymine,胸腺嘧啶的6-氮类似物,是一种有效的D-3-氨基异丁酸酯-丙酮酸氨基转移酶(D-3-aminoisobutyrate-pyruvateaminotransferase)抑制剂。6-Azathymine可抑制DNA的生物合成,并具有抗菌和抗病毒活性。
  49. GC60023 3'-Deoxyuridine-5'-triphosphate 3'-Deoxyuridine-5'-triphosphate(3'-dUTP)是一种核苷酸类似物,可抑制DNA依赖性RNA聚合酶I和II(RNApolymerasesI和II),强烈并竞争性地抑制UTP掺入到RNA中,Ki值为2.0μM。
  50. GC39632 Laflunimus Laflunimus (HR325) 是一种免疫抑制剂和 Leflunomide 活性代谢物 A771726 的类似物。Laflunimus 是一种口服的二氢硼酸脱氢酶 (DHODH) 抑制剂。Laflunimus 抑制免疫球蛋白 (Ig) 分泌,抑制 Ig M 和 IgG 分泌的 IC50 值分别为 2.5 和 2 μM。Laflunimus 也是前列腺素内过氧化物合酶 (PGHS) -1 和 -2 抑制剂。
  51. GC39552 Sorivudine Sorivudine (BV-araU) 是一种口服活性的,合成的嘧啶核苷抗代谢 (pyrimidine nucleoside antimetabolite) 药物。Sorivudine 的抗病毒活性来自某些 DNA 病毒中存在的特定胸苷激酶 (thymidine kinase) 选择性转化为核苷酸,从而反过来会干扰病毒 DNA 合成 (DNA synthesis)。

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