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Progesterone Receptor(孕激素受体)

Progesterone receptor (PR) is a protein found inside cells, which is activated by the steroid hormone progesterone. In humans, PR is encoded by a single PGR gene residing on chromosome 11q22, it has two main forms, A and B, that differ in their molecular weight. Progesterone is necessary to induce the progesterone receptors. When no binding hormone is present the carboxyl terminal inhibits transcription. Binding to a hormone induces a structural change that removes the inhibitory action. Progesterone antagonists prevent the structural reconfiguration. After progesterone binds to the receptor, restructuring with dimerization follows and the complex enters the nucleus and binds to DNA. There transcription takes place, resulting in formation of messenger RNA that is translated by ribosomes to produce specific proteins. Progesterone receptor plays a central role in diverse reproductive events associated with establishment and maintenance of pregnancy, alveolar development in the breast and sexual behavior.

Products for  Progesterone Receptor

  1. Cat.No. 产品名称 Information
  2. GC68493 17α-Hydroxyprogesterone-d8

    17-Hydroxyprogesterone-d8; 17-OHP-d8

    17α-Hydroxyprogesterone-d8 是 17α-Hydroxyprogesterone 的氘代物。17α-Hydroxyprogesterone (17-Hydroxyprogesterone) 是一种内源性孕激素,在其他类固醇激素(包括糖皮质激素,雄激素,和雌激素)的生物合成中作为化学中间体。
  3. GC50394 AG 205 孕激素受体膜成分 1 (Pgrmc1) 配体
  4. GC13297 Altrenogest

    四烯雌酮,Allyltrenbolone; RU2267

    A synthetic progestin
  5. GC35408 Asoprisnil


    A selective progesterone receptor modulator
  6. GC11144 Chlormadinone acetate


    A synthetic progestin
  7. GC71683 Chlormadinone acetate-d6-1 Chlormadinone acetate-d6-1是氘标记的醋酸氯地孕酮。
  8. GC38648 Cridanimod


    An inducer of type I interferon production
  9. GC11964 Desogestrel

    去氧孕烯; Org-2969

    A synthetic progestogen
  10. GC15578 Dienogest

    地诺孕素; STS 557

    A synthetic progestin and PR agonist
  11. GC12379 Drospirenone


    A synthetic progestogen
  12. GC15409 Dydrogesterone


    A synthetic progestogen
  13. GC63706 Dydrogesterone-D6

    地屈孕酮 D6

    Dydrogesterone-D6 是 Dydrogesterone 的氘代物。Dydrogesterone 是口服活性的孕激素,可作用于孕酮缺乏相关疾病。
  14. GC60815 Estradiol dipropionate


    Estradiol dipropionate (17-Beta-Estradiol-3,17-Dipropionate) is a semisynthetic, steroidal estrogen which has been used in hormone therapy for menopausal symptoms and low estrogen levels in women and in the treatment of gynecological disorders.
  15. GC12000 Ethynodiol diacetate

    双醋炔诺醇,Ethynodiol acetate

    A synthetic progestogen
  16. GC10017 Gestodene

    孕二烯酮; SHB 331; WL 70

    A progestin
  17. GC34200 Gestonorone Capronate

    己酸各司孕甾醇,Gestonorone caproate

  18. GC63751 Levonorgestrel-D8


    Levonorgestrel-D8 (D-Norgestrel-D8) 是 Levonorgestrel 的氘代物。Levonorgestrel是合成孕激素,可作用于孕酮受体。
  19. GC12974 Medroxyprogesterone acetate

    醋酸甲羟孕酮; Medroxyprogesterone 17-acetate; Farlutin

    Medroxyprogesterone acetate(MPA)是一种人工合成的孕激素。
  20. GC61850 Medroxyprogesterone acetate D3

    醋酸甲羟孕酮 D3; Medroxyprogesterone 17-acetate-d3; Farlutin-d3

    Medroxyprogesterone acetate D3 是 Medroxyprogesterone acetate 的氘代物。Medroxyprogesterone acetate 是一种广泛使用的合成类固醇,与孕酮 (progesterone),雄激素 (androgen) 和糖皮质激素受体 (glucocorticoid receptors) 都有作用。
  21. GC11688 Megestrol Acetate


    A synthetic progestogen
  22. GC11637 Mifepristone

    米非司酮; RU486; RU 38486

    Mifepristone (RU486)是一种口服有效的孕酮(PR)受体和糖皮质激素受体(GR)拮抗剂,用作堕胎药物,体外实验中IC50值分别为0.2nM和2.6nM。
  23. GC17200 Nestoron

    醋酸烯诺孕酮; ST-1435; Elcometrine

    A synthetic progestin
  24. GC36755 Nomegestrol acetate


    Nomegestrol Acetate is a potent, highly selective progestogen, which is characterized as a full agonist at the progesterone receptor, with no or minimal binding to other steroid receptors, including the androgen and glucocorticoid receptors.
  25. GC10215 Norethindrone

    炔诺酮; Norethisterone

    A synthetic progestin
  26. GC36759 Norethindrone acetate

    醋酸炔诺酮; 19-Norethindrone acetate

    Norethindrone acetate (19-Norethindrone acetate, NA) is a common synthetic hormone used in oral contraceptives. Norethindrone acetate is a well-tolerated, effective option to manage pain and bleeding for all stages of endometriosis.
  27. GC63752 Norethindrone acetate-D8

    19-Norethindrone acetate-D8

    Norethindrone acetate-D8 (19-Norethindrone acetate-D8) 是 Norethindrone acetate 的氘代物。Norethindrone acetate 是一种雌性激素,可用于子宫内膜异位症研究。
  28. GC39654 Norethisterone enanthate


    Norethisterone Enanthate (Norethindrone Enanthate) is a form of progestogen-only injectable birth control which is used to prevent pregnancy in women.
  29. GC63143 PF-02413873


    PF-02413873 (PF-2413873) 是一种有效的、选择性、完全竞争性和口服活性的非甾体孕酮受体 (PR) 拮抗剂,Ki 值为 2.6 nM。PF-02413873 可以阻断孕激素结合和 PR 核易位,并在体内抑制子宫内膜的生长。
  30. GC70603 PF-3882845 PF-3882845是一种非常高亲和力、选择性和口服有效的盐皮质激素受体(MR结合IC50=2.7 nM)拮抗剂,用于高血压和肾病。
  31. GC12408 Progesterone

    孕酮; Pregn-4-ene-3,20-dione

    An endogenous hormone and hormone precursor
  32. GC70472 Promegestone Promegestone (R-5020)是一种黄体酮,是一种有效的黄体酮受体(PR)激动剂。
  33. GC16847 Tanaproget

    NSP-989;NSP 989;NSP989

    Tanaproget (NSP-989) 是一种新型非甾体孕酮受体激动剂,与参考甾体孕激素相比,它可以以更高的相对亲和力与来自各种物种的 PR 结合。
  34. GC41153 Tibolone


    A tissue-selective steroid with estrogenic and androgenic effects
  35. GC17305 Ulipristal

    醋酸乌利司他中间体,CDB-3236; Deacetyl CDB-2914

    A selective progesterone receptor modulator
  36. GC11677 Ulipristal acetate

    醋酸乌利司他; CDB-2914

    A selective progesterone receptor modulator

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